Dietech Plus
Tray card software system that prints a meal ticket with the resident’s specific items (drinks, food, allergies, adaptive equipment and special requests). Meal ticket list resident’s likes and dislikes for the current day and mealtime.
- Great for a facility that is looking to replace their outdated manual card system or taking the first step into an electronic system.
- Generate tallies for Meal, Beverage, Nourishment or Thickener with ease.
- Meal tickets can be printed in color, in different sizes, and ordered by room, facility order or alphabetical.
- General intake study for fluids/solids/supplements.
- Professional looking Nutritional Assessments can be completed within the program that includes labs, weights, and medications. Helps decrease charting time.
- Tube feeding calculations and reports are all at your fingertips.
- The program works well for nursing homes, assisted living, and long term post acute care.
Meal/Tray Tickets

Resident Data Grid