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To set up Resident Listing in Facility Settings
Click on the Tools button at the very top of the screen. All forms must be closed out (you will get a message saying this if you have a form open; the Resident Listing, for example).

Click on Facilities from the drop down and then Dietech.
Double Click on your facility to highlight and open it.
Double Click on your facility to highlight and open it.

Click on the arrow next to Forms.
Then Click on the arrow next to Resident
Then click on Data Grid
Select the items you would like to see in your Resident
Data Grid. You can change the default from Name to Room/Bed/Unit if you prefer.
Once you are done, click Save and X out of the “Dietech
Facilities…” box.
Then Click on the arrow next to Resident
Then click on Data Grid
Select the items you would like to see in your Resident
Data Grid. You can change the default from Name to Room/Bed/Unit if you prefer.
Once you are done, click Save and X out of the “Dietech
Facilities…” box.